Thursday, December 20, 2007

giving birth to Christ at christmas

GROWING up in a predominantly Christian nation, it never occurred to me that Christmas is not everybody’s business—until lately when inter-religious concern became a contemporary issue as the environment and gender sensitivity are. Celebrating Christmas came as naturally as the changing of the seasons that are remarkably studded with various Christian observances.

I just read an article of Carolyn Moynihan entitled Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, too, just to cover the bases. Interestingly, she posits that the present global village with multi-religious sentiments and convictions, in fact, may just do well with Christmas around. For, how could one imagine a year without it—despite Christmas having been defrocked, but understandingly enough among those of different religious backgrounds and those in the business and entertainment community, of its real Christian significance.

Like it was originally in Bethlehem, the birth of the Son was intended not only for the children of Israel, but also—and especially so—for those who closed their doors in the faces of Joseph and Mary which led them ultimately to the simplicity and poverty of the manger.

By reason of its intention, Christmas indeed is universal. Which is why, it is not very missionary to keep saying that people are removing Christ from Christmas. It is just that Christians are rather slow in their mission “of giving birth to Christ” among their communities and in their circle of influence.

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